
Welcome to the Red Hat Society Online Calendar!

You are royally invited to attend! Red Hat Society events are for members-only. These calendared events are hosted by the Red Hat Society Hatquarters or are multi-chapter events hosted by RHS Queens. Private chapter events do not appear here and are shared within the chapter communication.

When posting an event, please include:

  • Name of event
  • Queen Event contact with phone and email
  • Dates
  • Location/address including state/province and country
  • Cost
  • Agenda including a theme dress code if any
  • Expected attendance
  • Hotel name and how to make reservations, hotel discount code
  • RSVP where

The MLQC (Marion-Lake Queens Council) will hold its quarterly luncheon on Sept 11 2024 . All Queens & Vice-Queens are invited. We will be discussing ideas & plans of the chapters.  We will be ordering from the menu and seating is limited. RSVP to Queen Meg Adams before Sept 1.