You can download the guide here.

Common Questions from Members
You can download the guide here.
Awesome! Thank you for reaching out to us! Join the Sisterhood by clicking on the link below.
Hatquarters is the physical headquarters of the Red Hat Society located in Fullerton, California USA. Hatquarters is the hub of the Sisterhood worldwide. We guide the social community and hold an over-the-top International Convention in a fabulous location every year.
Have you ever opened an email from a good friend and been delighted to find pictures attached? That’s how we feel every time we get pictures and stories from you! We regret that we cannot use all of them in our communications, but we will use as many as possible. In any case, we do love to see and hear about what you’re doing! The best way to submit photos and stories is to email them to us. Just attach the story or photo to an email, and send it to:–skip-themes
We only ask our Hatters to:
- Renew your Membership annually and keep us up to date on your contact information.
- Wear your red and purple, at RHS events (or lavender and pink for our younger Sisters under 50).
- Engage in the community; get to know your Sisters.
- Support our cause to positively reshape the way women are viewed in our culture. Of course, have the most fun possible!
When you join the Red Hat Society, you’re automatically added to the official online chapter. Members are encouraged to engage with the online community or attend in-person events, without the need to align with a specific local chapter.
They may certainly stay in the hotel and spend time with you when you are not at convention events. However, they are not allowed to attend the actual event.
The Red Hat Society, like virtually every entity, has valuable intellectual property including trademarks and copyrights which must be protected to be preserved. There are many who would like to utilize this intellectual property for their own commercial purposes. The appropriate way to do this is through an agreement (such as a license) which permits the use of this intellectual property. Anyone who fails to follow this approach infringes upon the rights of the Red Hat Society, which is illegal.
This does not mean that other commercial entities cannot produce and sell products which are in our colors. It simply means that they cannot use RHS intellectual property in doing so and create confusion in the mind of the public as to whether what they are doing is related to RHS. They must determine whether they would be violating the rights of the RHS in what they do, and make sure that they don’t.
RHS encourages legitimate product by others which appeals to our Membership. There is a substantial amount of such product on the market, and we hope our Members will enjoy it.
Red Hat Society Partners are a vital part of supporting our Society.
For business to business questions, advertising, partnership, sponsorship, licensing, publishing, or donations inquiries, please click here.
Your membership choice determines whether or not you are mailed a member ID card. The annual membership includes a member ID card that is available under your profile to snap a picture to store on your phone or to self-print at will. For an additional $5 (USD) annually, a hard copy member ID card will be mailed.
A mailed member ID card should arrive within six to eight weeks from the date that it was ordered. If it does not arrive by that time, please contact us at–skip-themes or call 866-386-2850 or 714-738-0001 (International). Replacement packets are not assured if not reported within 90 days of the initial order. International orders are provided an additional 30 days to ensure delivery. RHS membership fees are non-refundable.
Welcome! First, we recommend that you grab a cuppa tea or a nice glass of wine, find a comfortable chair, and read our Member Handbook. It’s a quick read and has nearly everything you need to know to get started.
Our website provides you with multiple ways to connect with queens and members in your area and around the world. You’ll find a forum where you can talk to other members, learn creative and inspiring ideas about ways to play in our Members’ Corner, and receive emailed opportunities only available to members of the Society. You are also invited to join our Facebook groups; start with The Official Red Hat Society Group.
As a member, you will be automatically added to the official online Red Hat Society chapter. As a Queen, you will be also be added to the official Red Hat Society® Queens-only group where you’ll find your queenly resources, communications from Hatquarters, and other Queens. The fun is just getting started! The more you explore, the more you’ll discover all that your RHS membership has to offer.
We recommend that you start by reading the Members’ Handbook. It’s a handy Queen’s resource. You’ll fill out your profile, add your picture in regalia, and introduce yourself in all the groups and forums. There is the online calendar to peruse, the Members’ Corner for great ideas, the Red Hatter Matters online magazine and Hatquarters’ communications to read. When you are ready to start a chapter of your own, request one to be created from your profile. Click on your profile on the top right, then go to Groups > Create Group. Or you can click here. Congratulations on being the next RHS Queen!
We’re also big on social media. Join our groups on Facebook; start with The Official Red Hat Society Group.
Shop from RHS licensed vendors at Red Hat Society Marketplace, The Red Hat Society Store (10%-member discount), and Royal Splendor. Also, be sure to check in on the Shopping and Offers page often to explore the many benefits of RHS membership!
The Red Hat Society is proud to have a volunteer group of dedicated women whose role is to assist the Society grow. They are the best recruiters! They are self-starters, outgoing, computer savvy, and love helping new members join the Society to get the most out of life – Red and Pink Hat Style!
If you would like to be considered for the role of RHS Ambassador, please contact us at–skip-themes. Include your picture in regalia as an attachment.
The forms of payment that we accept are check, money order or credit card. In addition, you may select Autopay to never forget to renew your membership again! Of course, you may cancel or pause this feature at any time within your own in your profile.
Business & Advertising
If you would like to reach out to our Members in your area, we offer marketing channels and advertising opportunities starting at $500. Due to privacy laws RHS is unable to release any Member contact information.
Becoming a vendor at RHS events or at our conventions is an easy process. Just send us an email to obtain more information. Email us at–skip-themes and we will get back to you.
If you would like to reach out and promote your product or services to our Members, know that we offer many types of sponsorship opportunities. For more information about our special package rates contact–skip-themes.
We offer special discounts to nonprofit companies. Contact us at–skip-themes.
The appropriate and legal way to obtain permission to use RHS logo/trademark this is through an agreement (such as a license) which permits the use of this intellectual property. Affinity Consultants, Inc. represents the brand interests and manages the licensing programs for The Red Hat Society. As a manufacturer, you have an opportunity to license your product… just go to