Reply To: Local Chapter

  • D H

    July 27, 2023 at 10:32 am

    Did you find the RH site hard to manage? I find a lot of members don’t use this messaging area. I feel it’s because to even put a picture on; one has to really hover around or (manipulation). I also didn’t find the RH society customer service helpful. It felt like it of bothersome to ask questions. I’m First timer on actually Working the sight this year. I’m actually trying to get involved and see what it’s really like. I had joined way back 2018 or 2019 and never looked at this site. So in this I feel all the post is because they do not know that they can do more. Does all this make sense. Your from the East coast and I’m on the west side. So we may not meet in person but we may be pen sisters or this day and age tech.sister I’m a Carson mad hatter sister. 🛵Scooterbug