As a member, you will be automatically added to the official online Red Hat Society chapter. As a Queen, you will be also be added to the official Red Hat Society® Queens-only group where you’ll find your queenly resources, communications from Hatquarters, and other Queens. The fun is just getting started! The more you explore, the more you’ll discover all that your RHS membership has to offer.
We recommend that you start by reading the Members’ Handbook. It’s a handy Queen’s resource. You’ll fill out your profile, add your picture in regalia, and introduce yourself in all the groups and forums. There is the online calendar to peruse, the Members’ Corner for great ideas, the Red Hatter Matters online magazine and Hatquarters’ communications to read. When you are ready to start a chapter of your own, request one to be created from your profile. Click on your profile on the top right, then go to Groups > Create Group. Or you can click here. Congratulations on being the next RHS Queen!
We’re also big on social media. Join our groups on Facebook; start with The Official Red Hat Society Group.