Reply To: Hello from California

  • Jeannie Johnson

    May 14, 2023 at 12:24 am

    So we have So Cal and No Cal represented and I am in Central Cal. So if you want to get a party started you should each head my way. I am in Bakersfield. We just had a Steampunk Adventure in April to celebrate the RHS birthday/anniversary (I am never sure which we are supposed to call it). We have a regional celebration twice a year hosted by our Queens Council. Next up, hosted by the council is our Christmas in November. Now I know none of you are close enough to join my chapter, but if you are interested in our regional events, drop me a line. or message me here. I try to get online every couple of weeks, but things were very busy recently as my chapter was completely responsible for the Steampunk Adventure. So, Welcome!