Member Guides

How To Join a Private Chapter

Chapters Directory Page

1. In your site’s Chapter Directory page, click on the “Request Membership” button of the Chapter Chapter you want to join.

2. You’ll see the “Request Membership” text in button change to “Membership Requested”.

3. Your request to join the chapter is sent to the Private Chapter’s Admin via email (if enabled) and via notification in the Chapters Admin’s member navigation in the Toolbar.

4. When the Chapter Admin of that private chapter clicks on the notification link in Toolbar or the link in the email notification received, the Chapter Admin is brought to the private chapter’s Admin > Requests screen. The Chapter Admin can either click on the “Accept” button or the “Reject” button. In this example, the Chapter Admin will choose to reject the request for chapers membership.

5. The Chapter Admin sees a confirmation message: “Chapter membership request rejected.”

6. The member whose request has been rejected receives an email (if enabled) and notification in the Toolbar which when opened shows: Membership for chapter “name_of_group” rejected.

Single Chapter Page

1. If you want to attach a message to the Chapter Admin when you request membership to join the private chapter, going to the private chapter’s home page is the option to choose. Click on the “Request Membership” button or on the “Request Membership” tab in the private chapter’s header area.

2. A textarea will show up so you could add your message to the Chapter Admin. Click on the “Send Message” button to send the message along with the request for membership in the private chapter.

3. The member requesting membership in the private chapter sees a confirmation message “Your membership was sent to the chapter administrator successfully. You will be notified when the chapter administrator responds to your request.”

4. Your request to join the group is sent to the Private Chapter’s Admin via email (if enabled) and via notification in the Group Admin’s BuddyPress member navigation in the Toolbar shown below.

5. When the Chapter Admin of that private group clicks on the notification link in Toolbar or the link in the email notification received, the Chapter Admin is brought to the private group’s Admin > Requests screen. The message of the member requesting the membership is shown along with the “Accept” button or the “Reject” buttons. In this example, the Chapter Admin will choose to accept the request for chapter membership.

6. The Chapter Admin sees a confirmation message “Chapter membership request accepted.”

7. The member who applied for membership in the private group receives an email (if enabled) and a notification on site in the Toolbar which when clicked on shows: Membership for “name_of_group” accepted.

8. When the member who got accepted to the private chapter clicks on the notification, the member is redirected to the private chapter’s home page – the private chapter’s activity screen.