Settings → General
This is the page where you can change your email address or change your password.
Settings → Email
This page is where you can opt out or opt back in to receiving email notifications for the following:
- Activity: A member mentions you in an update using “@admin”
- Activity: A member replies to an update or comment you’ve posted
- Messages: A member sends you a new message
- Friends: A member sends you a friendship request
- Friends: A member accepts your friendship request
- Groups: A member invites you to join a group
- Groups: Group information is updated
- Groups: You are promoted to a group administrator or moderator
- Groups: A member requests to join a private group for which you are an admin
Settings → Profile Visibility
This page is where you can change the visibility level of any of your profile fields if the Site Admin has enabled the settings for the Members. The visibility options are: “Everyone”, “Only Me”, “All Members”, or “My Friends.”
Settings → Delete Account
This is where you can delete your account in the site, if account deletion was enabled by the Site Admin. Note that deleting your account will delete all the content you have created in the site. Those will be completely irrecoverable.